A Tree Of Life

A Tree Of Life

The one who falls in love first is the one who loses first, Xie Yi said, I’ve lived for 28 years and finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

If unrequited love was a type of self-destruction, then what was a hopeless unrequited love? Before anyone could see him, Xie Yi shamelessly kicked an empty can high into the sky: “Holding on to a hopeless unrequited love involves more dedication than those suicidal terrorists who use their own bodies as bombs, pah!”

“Wang Shumin, this son of a b*tch, he didn’t want me when I was rushing to hand myself over to him—only now when I’m no longer taking him seriously anymore. Regretting it now, huh? Serves you right!”

——A friendly cameo from a nobody

Wang Shumin: “Xiao Xie, Xiao Xie, a person’s life is only so long, even if you want to be stubborn with me, you can’t cross me out forever. Give me a chance to turn over a new leaf……”

Status Completed
Type Novel
Released unfurling clouds
Author Priest
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